Panther mod 60 1935

Not much to start with but I have the whole story from the start in 1935-09-03 in R county
with number R 2081 to S county in 1936 with S 1393 to T county with T 783 in 1939 and back to
R 12213 in 1950 to 1952.
Sold to AB Lidköpings Automobilaffär Box 94 Lidköping 13/4 1955

Looking for parts for this bike. as far as I know we have had four in Sweden with engine numbers
H 5010, H 5011, H 5012 and H 5300. So it's a long shot to find any parts. But many parts are the
same on M 100, and we have had 3 M 100 in 1935 and 2 in 1936 but the 1936 bikes are still alive.

Arbete pågår. under construction.